anna lenks

day 1 of the biggest digital declutter of my life 📱 (summer reset & fresh start)

the ULTIMATE Digital Declutter with Notion ⭐️ simplify your life (& keep it clutter-free)

first week of changing my life ⭐️ dream life diaries ep 1

dream life diaries (trailer) ⭐️ creating my dream life

start 75 hard with me (workouts, aip diet, reading) ⭐️ dream life diaries ep 4

wholesome days in Spain | setting goals, new mentorship, hiking & reading | AD

the weekend before exams (21hrs of study) // leaving cert

doing everything I've been procrastinating *productive all-nighter edition* | AD

a week of studying Portuguese 🇧🇷 my fav resources, choosing an accent, study plan

productive study day with me // leaving cert // Lenks

productive (but balanced) day with me *motivation*

barcelona diaries | early morning swims, getting back into routine & finding community

study 4 languages with me | chill vlog (spanish, mandarin, russian, ukrainian)

study with me at a cafe (with lofi) || 55 minutes || (leaving cert)

speaking only Spanish for 24 hours 🤎 Barcelona vlog (w subtitles)

my goals for 2024 ⭐️ goals, plans and bucket list

a week in 6th year 🐥 leaving cert | 7

🌿 student diaries | going to new libraries, working on assignments, new camera!! | 13

student diaries ♡ studying, staying up late, cheerleading and being a mess | 12

my last first week of school | 6th year leaving cert | 6

it's exam season kids | leaving cert (high school senior) | 8

🍁 student diaries | surviving uni during lockdown in london, learning french | 14

goal diaries | working on my 2024 goals, 75 hard, portuguese

have a productive study weekend w/ me (17hrs of study) // leaving cert